9:07 p.m. ♦ 2008-06-08
What was I on about?

I dont even remember what I was on about.....
I just got back from the shops and in the process was able to crack my own windshield!
What a fuckin dummie I am!

It has been almost continual rain here and that dosent bode well for the painting that we have got to do. I can see clients becoming ansty about our being able to finish. I hope the shower goddess turns off her tap soon and gives us some nice dry sunny days.

The evening was splendid, out into the evening from the shops and the sky was dark and low, you could see the water vapor hanging in the air...the sounds of frogs and the occasional oriel down by the swampy bits off the road. Its just plain wet round here and it feels like the congo...course im used to it now. When we first moved here it was bad, the air was heavy and thick. The cold water pipe and toilet tank would sweat...

No school for the kiddies means entirely too much telly and the need for video games galore.

Im tired and I was oh so pissy yesterday. Me and Tommy went to see Kung Fu Panda...it did brighten my mood a bit.


♦ French Toast Assassin is watching 'The return of the King'.

♦ French Toast Assassin is a big dope for breaking her own windshield.

♦ French Toast Assassin is going to have to pay handsomly to repair it.

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Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12