7:35 p.m. ♦ 2002-08-23
Minerva tries to relax.........

Good god, what fun the last few days has been...constant strife with the children, trying to reset sleeping schedules..grumpy..pissy constant moodyness..christ! That and the cabin fever, and the fight involving potatoes, and the inequity of the universe in general. All is calm now.

Im trying to relax about things, today I did quite well..the children and I went out "Garbage Sailing"...and picked up some screaming deals..

1. a real firemans helmet

2. lots of pokemon cards

3. Pokemons brick-a-brack

4. Some really good albums..Buddy Holly and the Crickets, ELO...(for the man, and all these that follow:)John Melencamp, Cheap Trick, Neil Young.

5. An ancient volume of Tennyson's complete poems

6. And the tour de fource, or what I played with all afternoon..Lego..I love those little lego pieces..its this knights castle...so I sat and put it all together..very ZEN.

The most wonderful bit about "Garbage Sailing" is that its a cheap thrill..and you can get really good things way way cheap...especially if you haggle...I love the haggling bit. Oh and I got our babysitter this cool black tee shirt with a silver chevron (pegasus) on it..as she had mentioned in passing about not having many clothes..so I decided to start picking her up bits and peices when Im out...Tonights agenda is Laundry..and bed early..I think I will call the psychiatrist next week and switch my meds to the anti depressants..ive been on these for quite a few months, and other than the weight loss..I can only decern that I have done more house work than any normal woman would...and im still moody..and sad...so we shall see.

Ive got to take Ms. Pie off to get some school shopping done..I did a little over the week, but with children as always there is always more to be gotten, but it should give us an out..and some alone time together.


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08