9:21 p.m. ♦ 2002-08-30
British Columbia...here I come....

Can you imagine making like 50,000 a month...good god in heaven!! Yea, so im sitting here with my little brain thinking that going into the drug trade sounds like a reasonable idea...the up shot for me is im not a user...for me it would be the bottom line..the benjamins, the street value of pot is worth more than gold...interesting, its either that or become a metorologist..

Yes..so it's the great job search for me, the job at the University is not in the theraputic uses of pot, but working in food service..and all that that intails..im sure its not chefs hats and weekends off..and it starts at $9.00 per hour..and its union??? Its slim pickins for me..well anyone in this horrible economy, ive got letters and CV's ready to head out the door tomorrow, they are even looking for a feature writer for the local weekend paper that comes out..I may go for it, but I think my writing style..or lack thereof might turn the stomachs of these fair cheese eaters. Then again its never hard hitting rapid fire journalism...its Ms.Sallys view on movies...or this guy that goes fishing..and tells quirky little fish stories..or hunting ones. My other choices are in the clerical end of things..and those are always so vague, you practically have to have a PH.D. in some rare ultra secret secretarial society before you are even let thru the door..I mean..I can facilitate..fuck..thats all I ever do..I have at least a M.A. in that...I took the kids for a walk to see some horses up the street..course they are protected by two fences one of which is electric..so we just looked at them from a distance. Hopefully I wore them out..poor bubba needs to loose some weight..so we are going on a walking thing each night..no matter the weather..

Still..British Columbia is looking better and better.


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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08