9:15 p.m. ♦ 2002-09-17

Well, im back, and survived flying in a plane, though I think I was irking the hell out of "janetta" next to me on the flight back...I got so nervous suddenly, and about half way up thought, well, it was more of a my whole body thought..I gotta get down..I want down..silly.

I got to see my nieces after ten years of not, they were little girls the last time I saw them, now they are tall and skinny..(must feed them)..and my nephew, and my other nephew who I havent ever met. All of it was cool, good and groovie, we mostly talked, and ate, and sat around and talked..and chain smoked..and talked some more..that part was good, the best..

Then there is the mum debachle...

I got in at like ten thirty, my brother got in from San Francisco at like two in the after noon, so he came over to my sisters house for a bit, then we went to Mum's work...as soon as we walk in and see her He..(as in my brother) takes of in the other direction under the auspices of having to shop..(she works in this massive discount shop for a massive department store)..she looked like hell..and had my pitty..and something gut wrenching was going on that I couldnt quite touch at the time, but I now think I have a better idea about...so we do our thing, the whole time im avoiding being around her..basically the whole weekend..I dont like her touching me...I dont want to sit and talk about stuff..(as mum cant sit and talk about stuff)(its always about how tired she is, how she hates her roommate, her roommates cats, how tired she is, and her work..just keep repeating those over and over again..and you get the idea)..

Other than her teeth turning black and falling out of her head, its the same gig as before..and im sick of being drug down to this level with her when she is around.

Ok, enough on Mum, Phoenix was hot and I loved it..thinking of the winter that is about to decend upon us here..sick.


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08