8:36 p.m. ♦ 2002-09-26
Crap! Illuminated!........or so they say

Well..I got up and went to the interview.

**I will not know anything until next week..

They sell CNC Machines..lucky for me I know a bit about one..and I love puters..and am willing to learn anything...

......So I wait......

There is always the laundry to put away..and so starts my rambling on the laundry issue..let me say this:

**We all should at some point in the future have biodegradable clothes..or clothes that dissolve in water..or clothes that you can mulch up and use in the garden..or shove in the nuclear device in the back of a small vehicle..for fuel.

**Why Laundry sucks**

You always wear your good stuff first..and by the end of the week your SOL..on GOOD undies..on Good pants..and your best tops..are now under the towels..and dirty underwear..and no amount of Febreze will get the idea out of your mind that your shirt was piled under dirty underwear, or OTHER peoples undies.

**Why it piles up**

Ok..so its sunday..all that dirty laundry is done for the new week at hand..so Monday comes..and four people are throwing dirty clothes down the basement steps..and your toddler is wetting the bed on occasion..so that goes down the steps as well..and oh yes..you better shower..so put those towels down there too..and god forbid you need to wipe up those dirty little spills...Ah Ha! Dirty Tea Towels..all down there..and HEY..its only Monday..you do the math!!!!

**Listen to bad Country and Western while doing your laundry

Why? I cannot think of two more horrible things..why not do them at the same time? Increase your over all aggrivation..you know someone you live with is slipping clean clothes in with the dirties..increasing your workload..laughing behind you at your personal folly..silly woman..doing all that laundry..folding over and over..putting it all away in neat little piles...fool!


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08