9:39 p.m. ♦ 2002-10-11
There's a quiet storm....


Where was I?

Well, its strange around here these days, strange winds blowing today, whipped and whipped the leaves off the trees. A warm wind from the south, Im going to miss it when it stops, and that shall be sometime later on tonight, as it is going to get quite chilly tomorrow...I know just what You wanted the FUCKING WEATHER REPORT.

Now for something completly different.

Lists..oh yea..you know you live for them.

What I need to do:

(aside from getting a life?)


Get my life in order in an orderly manner....

Mulch my garden into the ground, cover my bulbs with mulch for the winter.

Read more.

Stop watching telly and smoking...and eating sweets at an incredible rate. (Im not kidding..im on a diet of nearly pure fucking sugar..its a wonder im alive..its all that clean living...hehehehehe)

Stop internalizing all the bullshit, and living in my head.

Actually take this art class I have my eye on..for the whopping price of 64.00 and change per class I think..I hope not or the fucker ought to be Warhol...at that rate.

Once along time ago I used to be quite artistic, now the only remnants of that are finger painting with the kids, and a mind that thinks sideways. I must press on with that idea anyway, and see where it takes me.

Moving..Ok, Im still no closer to actually going but its on my mind more pressing now then ever, as the ladybugs are freaking out..and attempting to get into the house en-masse..and I mean by the friggin thousands..strange. And the impending and torturous cold that will come..and the strange silent days and nights that blend back and forth into each other.

Still, I have lots to keep myself busy, 'busy-work' as some would put it, I have that in spades, lots of piddly little things that I need to get done over the winter months. Im looking forward to that..and plotting and planning my escape from here..

Never fear..my mood is up, and mostly im tired..hibernation mode is setting in.


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08