8:25 p.m. ♦ 2002-10-17
Send $10.00 to the Free MinervaJonesFund!!!

Im watching 'The Wall'..this entire album reminds me of my mother..raised without a father..verging on the insane..once my mother flipped out..and decided that it would be a good idea to walk the train tracks with me in her arms..attempting suicide, and homicide..she did it with my brother and with my sister..well not walking the train tracks..but dangling my bro out a second story window when he was under the age of one..and thinking that taking my sister back to her father was a good idea..or a reasonable on..I find it interesting..that she tended to hate my sister the most but decided not to 'kill' her..just me and my brother..the insanity of it all. A slight tid bit on what it was like growing up around my mother...the wacko.

Today it almost snowed..and all I could think to do was run away from it..well that and the odd friend of my husband that continues to come over..acting like a crack head...(literally)..frankly im sick of these derilict loosers that my husband drags in...or follow him home like lost dogs.

I'd say 9 times out of 10...they completly ignore me...in a conversation...nay talking over me loudly with the schmitts Ice in there hand...the root of the problem if you ask me....and seem to have some sort of unstable emotional problems...or in dire need of ritalin and prayer.

One guy, this lonely indian guy, who I will admit upfront had the makings of a gentle spirit, freaked me out after our last encounter..that went something like this..(Persephone has the actual account that I wrote to her a while ago)

First let me say this man had fetal achohol syndrome..and had his own issues with the drink..this I find out only during this whole debachle. Hubby and I take off for the day..its a saturday i believe, we only left for about three hours..before we had left, he had called, and we answered the phone, he invited the hubby over to his motel room for a drink, hubby declined as we had plans..then about five minutes after that the phone rang three times, the beauty of caller ID..is that they were three phone numbers we didnt know..so ignored..as we werent expecting any calls..we then after the rapid fire telephone calls checked the messages..they were a variation on a theme that was only to get worse..

"Tom, this is S. im in room (rustling..door creaking open)..(more rustling..)..126 give me a call. Click"

"Yea..hey.................(long pause) Tom, this is uh..........(long pause).S....im over here at the motel...yea..give me a call"

"Tom..give me a call........(long pause)....Click"

We left...after that..and came home to find a freaked out babysitter..and a strange assortment of phone calls on the caller ID box..and several more disconcerting messages on the machine...

"Yea....Hey...Tom this is S.....im in ......roomm...(rustling..door creaking open...door creaking shut....rustling...)...125 come on over.....im waiting for ya.......long long pause....yea..click"

Tom....Tom....this is S....im over here in...(door creaking open...dooor creaking shut)....yea..this is S.....im over here in the motel..room 127....come on over im here waiting for ya... yea...rooom (slirred )...125....long pause...click"

Im not kidding you there must have been like 15 messages with this theme...it got under my skin...and the idea of it still does...


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08