8:58 p.m. ♦ 2002-10-22
~Things to Ponder~

Lord..I was playing literatie with Ms. Persephone-de-luxe..and after I get off the puter..Hubbie checks the telephone..and this guy..(*see entry about hubbies choice of friends)..who is now sitting in the county jail has called over the course of the evening like three times..collect..at 4.00 plus a pop..the answering service wont accept the phone calls..but he had already called from jail earlier..so this freaked me out.

So I get pensive, and start to thinking about how I hate it here in general, and how this situation is making me uncomfortable..and so I tell dear dear husband, that he needs to be more selective with his friendship process.., he needs to be a bit more on guard with what secrets he tells and does not tell to these people..and who has priors and who doesnt. I told him im not judging anyone, but if I get in trouble, hurt, harrassed etc.. via this idiot in the county jail..my ass is outta here with my kids sooo fucking fast.

Hubbie and I get the bright idea to go to the only person in town who has the real story on this guy..a certain woman who has no vested interest in telling me a boat load of lies..well its worse than originally thought..apparently he has a wrap sheet a mile long, and has this whole anger management thing going on..he beat this womans sister so bad she had to nearly bite his nose off to get him off of her..and the last thing he did was beat up her brother (I think..the story got convoluted at this point).

Needless to say he beat the shit out of this guy, cause he was drunk...(im deriving all of this from past experiences with him, and the woman that we went to talk to).

Needless to say, he is a coward for hitting women, and is no longer welcome across my threshold..full stop.

I have to talk to my mum about money, and im not sure how to do it, to write a letter would give her more time to study what im saying, but then again..she is the type to try and interpret what you are saying rather than just read it for what is says..and talking to her long distance might be a lengthy process..for the exact same reason..she tends to wander mentally in a conversation..and cant stay on track..so im thinking about what I have to say to her to get her to help me. Hahahaha..

Hubbie seems to think that im acting like a shit, well at least since we got home from the Mall of America, maybe three hours of commercial excess got under my skin..or maybe the fact that when we were in a store I wanted to look about in..(like the BOOK stores..) he was rushing me..and walking off with all the money...or maybe I got agrivated about the scanner and my inability to get it to work, it recognises the fucking thing now..but has this drive error..that im downloading some things to hopefully fix..but we shall see..I was getting frustrated, cause i need to think..and to do things in a certain order..and about every twenty minutes..he was asking me "Have ya got it fixed yet ma??"..in this smarmy voice..then twenty minutes later.."ya figured it out yet??"...and the kids asking me to fix every bleeding moment of their lives..like they cant ask the dad for a drink..or to fix the VCR..grrrrrrrrrrr..so I had to stop what I was doing..I was getting fed up in general with all of it but figured it was some wierd ploy to get me off the puter in the first place..and tidy up after the kids..so he could play the puter..but couldnt just come out and ask me to get off it or do it later..etc...




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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08