6:58 p.m. ♦ 2002-11-18
Work, and all that.......


So, Ive got the big Job, as well as the other trifling job known as 'House-wifery'...

The big Job entails renting people films, checking those same films in..putting them on the shelves, and of course making change...Fabu!

I know, I sound all nasty and pent up about it, but Im NOT.

I actually like the mindless-ness of the whole operation, I have to think a bit, but only in like first gear, so that is cool, and I work with a bunch of High-school students, and College students, I find them quite funny...and odd in a plain kind of way. I went in on thursday, and had this 'new' trainer, a freshman, we have this McDonaldesque hit list along the lines of if you have time to lean you have time to clean gig, so I find the glass cleaner...apparently the great redeemer in the land of the retail, and proceed to start wiping the shelves and video tapes and front boxes down with it, when I am abrubtly asked if I know "How to Dust?" ....Hmmmm....in retrospect that is such a loaded question, I could of anwered it in a hundred smarmy ass ways, but said, "uh, yea...Ive been a housewife for seven years..I think I can dust"...

*****This is the Hard bit*****

When I get 'Bubba'(my son) from the day-care place, I have to rush home, and have only bout an hour to clean up after the morning debachle of food, changing clothes..and general debachery. So I have two rather interesting jobs...

Day-care is a bit pricey..I figure after paying the sitter, im making 13.00 per day, not bad..at least im up 13.00 per day...I havent talked to my sister or to Persephone in about a week and a bit..I gotta get caught up on my personal life..and check in on everyone.


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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08