8:26 p.m. ♦ 2002-11-24

This might not seem like much to the average reader, but we have scored a dryer from the 'daycare' woman and her husband. We shall have it tomorrow, no more lugging the wet laundry in 10 degree weather...yippie..all for the amazing price of $25.00...YES!

So, everything is ok here, that is how I would rate all of the goings on here. Its cold, and its trying to snow outside as of just a few minutes ago...Bloody cold.

The job thing is going well so far, I get free video rentals, and a paycheck..what else could a white girl want?

(lots I tell ya)

No fights to report, things are going on fine, but the cold is prompting the 'hubbie' to remind me that I have got to get him out of this cold hole..hahahahaha!

The children are doing fine, though T-Boy and I have had this wierd stomach thing the last four days that keeps us running to the potty, or feeling as if we need to puke (in my case), or all out puking..in his case.


I get to work two days this week, Tuesday and Wednesday, Im looking forward to getting some things done around here tomorrow, and then getting out to work, and not thinking about the stupid things that My mind has decided to settle in and make me think about..

You know those silly phobias that if anyone on the street heard you talking about they would call some white coats to come and escort you to a convalesant home for a bit. That is my fear, that one day it will all unravel so bad that I will run screaming in the streets mad as a hatter...so I maintain...and try and ignore it at the moment...as we are just about out of health care benifits...since 'husband' has been layed off..and lord knows my 12 hour per week job wont cover our medical expenses.

I keep meaning to make some pivitol calls to see what and where we stand with the union..but keep forgetting as the immediate gets in the way.

Ive been doing some calculations, and if I put all of my check away..in 24 weeks if I put 90.00 per week away of just my money..we will have 2100.00 that isnt including any money that I can get the husband to commit to putting away..away...

So it goes..


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08