8:24 p.m. ♦ 2002-12-11
Uh..let me explain...no...let me sum up....

Let me first say..Im cold. (Duh!)

Lets see...

1. Steve..Yes the wierd guy from here, with the constant wierd phone messages, living up to a stereo-type-fame showed up yesterday at the door, I was at work, tom was mid-half assed housecleaning..as he has been on this half-assed house cleaning rampage, that includes, putting all my brass candle things in the closet, putting all of my daughters art pictures near the trash, almost cleaning the basement, almost doing the laundry, oh..and he has cooked supper on and off. Not that im bitter or anything.

2. I got called into work today, that was fine, but Tom had been up coughing all night long, and slept (well kinda) on the couch...then had to get up at nine twenty..to watch Bubba..while I hauled ass and cleaned up the dishes, kitchen, (the cat shit in the bath tub)had to bleach out the tub, scrub it etc, vacuum, put things away, get myself dressed..etc..

3. A couple of days ago I was telling Tom about this Coke-a-cola delivery guy that is kind of flirty, and nice ( I mean this in the way that he is more gregarious, and out going than the average bird round here...and that can go from extreems..from the very nice well mannered to the Wisconsin Ice thing..expressionless, humourless, etc), and while telling him this I noted that the Coke guy and my Manager disapear into the office with the door shut, (raised eyebrow), but for no more than six or ten minutes at a time, and then again im not really paying that much attention as I have videos to put away, and batch in etc..so tom and I are talking and this guy walks in..and I told him that Jill was gone for the day, he walked into her office walked back out and toward me with his hand out as if to grab at me (Tom views this physical gesture as his hand was out to grab my ass..as if he had it comming)(raised eyebrow)(not bloody likley)...I pull away, and he asks who Tom is and I say this is my husband, and they shake hands, and Tom says is this the one you said was flirty..and I say yea...so Tom is butthurt over this guy motioning to grab at me..a thing he has never done before, the coke guy that is grabbing at me..he thinks for some reason that I would allow myself to be grabbed at....or wouldnt tell him about it...or wouldnt of slugged the guy..or something..so there is this wierd thing going on now..where he is:

a. depressed over the fact that his boss is now smoking crack and useless as a human.

b. this guy that reciently got out of jail, who is a lying drug/alcoholic/looser type has landed a cushie job with this Union outfit that had at one point assured Tom that if anything, ANYTHING were to come up on the job front that Tom would be on the top of the list, so the looser type that reciently got out of jail now is working as a scab at this guys union firm...nice...

c. only has a few more weeks of his "Un-Enjoyment" left, and this leaves us in a remarkably bad position, YET AGAIN..I love the Universe man, I just fucking love it!!!!

d. my work is somehow an obstacle for Him, like he didnt want me to go to work today, etc..I cant have a job, and not go..says I.

e. we are in a communial state of depression over all of the above said...this is not good. Its cold, we are alone, and year after mutha-fucking-year something similar or along the same lines happens to us..I cannot take it.

4. Ok, so I find the upshot...we are leaving here..(BUT HOW?), and having us both on the same track feels good. My manager at the store is making me some sort of Quasi-Assistaint-Manager, though I doubt that this entails any sort of pay adjustment, just more over-all work and responsibility, and, AND, as like today, comming in when miss Manager has a headache...

Ive got to go eat..and clean the house tomorrow...and bemoan my fate, or at least find us some help to get the fuck out of this evil groove..and or town.



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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08