12:29 p.m. ♦ 2003-01-04
bblah...yea...more blah....


The holiday season is over, and I think I came thru it fairly un-scathed...well kind of...

I worked all these extra days and hours over the holidays that my manager assumed that I wanted to continue in that vein..no...I spent the last two days trying to get her to change the schedule to the hours that were agreed upon when hired, like monday, wed, and friday nine to three..rather than six days strait with hours all over the clock..like five to close one day, then then next nine to three..then four to seven..these strange odd hours are not what I wanted, and quite frankly with the paultry pay the lure of working silly hours diminishes. Some may say im being picky, they could be right...then again, they could be wrong, I think there is a formula to working retail that most people (ok, managers), just dont get..I get paid an OK wage for what I do for a six hour strech of time, during daylight hours when one of my children is at school, that wage diminishes when the hours exceed six, or fall into odd hours category..such as working three to seven on a sunday, or working til close (11pm)+(sometimes it takes longer to leave the store that late at night with the "extras" we have to perform)...then get back up the next morning to children who get up at the same time no matter when they go to bed, and return to work the next AM, these odd night hours are and should forever be relegated to the highschool/college students the end! So much to Her schagrin, she took me of the schedule, I could hear the aggrivation in her voice, and her plea about me not working weekends..and how that would not be fair..well..I didnt get hired to work weekends..so there!

Ok, enough of that.

I could say soooo much more, but I have a cold a brewing, and must rest...


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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08