3:03 p.m. ♦ 2003-02-09
Lessons learned

It's been forever....

I think I had Mono...or something just as sinister...and tricky, couple that with the seasonal depression that one is likley to fall victim to when the air temperature is only -10 degrees..and you have me all over for the last few weeks. It has not been pretty round here...

Cabin fever, knowing that the only answer to your prayers is just going back to bed..putting the heating pad on...and pulling the covers up and over your head.

Life is worse and better since I got the shit job at video store...the low pay low prestige of it all...I have a job that inconviences my family to no end...and they all let me know of it in subtle and not so subtle ways...all of the work..(involving the kids...and really cleaning) is now my domain...having to figure out how we are going to move away from this shit-hole midwestern town (sorry to all you midwestern folks..but going to school in January in shorts...rocks...here endeth the lesson)

All I have been holding on to is this idea of moving, being with family..and in closer proximity to friends..(ie Persephone)...and the lure of heat and sunshine on my other friends living in the oh so frozen east coast...

So Ive been trying to throw shit away, and that is hard round here, where you have to pay for every little bit of trash you want to throw out...

Appliances cost more, etc..etc..so my advice is keep it simple...dont buy other peoples trash at garage sales..etc..unless you cannot live without it...cause one day youll wake up..and want to move far far away..and youll kick yourself in the ass trying to figure out how your going to now get rid of all this shit that has your house filled to the brim...with...well...trash. Secretly this is the reason I like to move..moving is hell on earth...boxes to find..rolls and rolls of duct-tape..u-hauls to rent..money to find..er pull out ya ass...but you get rid of all of this shit you never ever not in two life times need...I know this...Im looking at throwing out..and or donating lots and lots of abject shit to salvation army..in order to just pick up and move..or this new second hand shop on the Main drag here in town...I have it mentally figured out what we will drag and what we wont...it seems silly but its true.

So in the last few weeks ive been stressing and stressing, and over working myself to the point of exhaustion..literally...Iv'e just stopped the madness...Im not cleaning like a freak...im not cleaning the house to the standards of my Mum...Im not giving 120% at work...Im not keeping shit that we dont use, wear..nor need...Ive got to go...the kids are raising hell upstairs...this will not do..


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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08