7:04 p.m. ♦ 2003-12-12
Prison rantings....

I had a late night last night. Tom got in around 1:00AM, and we stayed up til round 2, he tried to go to bed, but was still on Cali time, he stayed up til 3. He has to go back by 19th January, his Parole Agent will have his fine ($200.00), can you believe all this shit over a $200.00 fucking fine?? No wonder the government, and the states government are screwed up and in debt...I wish I could run my personal finances the same way...one can only dream...I wrote a letter, though brief to the 'new governor' of Cali, trying to in the briefest possible terms describe what had happened to my husband..thinking ok, repub's are supposed to be penny wise..ya know they always come off that way, dont spend what you dont have,...etc..you have heard it before..so in this letter I describe what an utter waste of money this entire rigaramole has been to the fair tax-payers of cali...21 days in a local jail back charged to Cali, having him flown back to Sacto..to Tracy..held there for two weeks, then transported to Chino, kept there for a week and a half..how much money does all this add up to?? and over what? When just a little bit of common sense, would of saved them and us for that matter quite a bit of money in the long run. Did you know that Parole agents get a bonus everytime they send a parolee back to prison? Is it just me or does that seem a bit skewed? Seems to me you should get a reward when you see a parolee back into society, back as a full citizen with a job, prospects, a clearer idea of who they are...you should get a bonus when they are successful, not when they screw up...course that could just be me...but then again if you think of the prison system as a whole turning into a large corporation, such as it already is with a bottom line, using inmates as a form of slave labor..(just suspend the idea for a moment what got them in there..cause it could be you one day...for what ever reason)...so you have this never-ending or seemingly never-ending supply of labor (cheap labor)...you get matching grants and fundage from the feds...and with all the scare tactics...cause you know at any moment now you too could fall victim to some random crime...why try and reform a system that is somewhere on the sly making some faceless corporation a butt-load of money...prison is no longer about reform, why take people out of a system when its easier to get them used to that system so they can jump right back into your labor force?

Thats my rant on that one.

Dearly beloved we are gathered to gether for this thing called life:


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