6:10 p.m. ♦ 2003-12-19

Interesting but slightly boring day.

We went to the YMCA...I actually worked out a bit..for such a chubbly bubbly..I used the treadmill..it has an automatic heartrate thing, used some weights, swam in the olympic sized pool, and went into the sauna..I was alone in there..I got lost in my thoughts for a while..I met up with hubbie in the changing room, his sauna experience was quite a bit different, he was alone in there til an Indian guy (from India), came in they chit chatted, then this very very hairy white boy all naked came in and sat down, even though it is listed on the door that you must be dressed in a swim-suit or shorts, and you must sit on a towel for hygenic reasons...so now im a bit tired..and the cold of winter makes me tired as well..we have kind of decided to make this taking care of ourselves things an ongoing process, once I get the money back from the fucking lawyers, and jump evil contractors shit and get my money out of them for services rendered...by sending a series of letters to the investors of the project..so convuluted, we are going to attend the YMCA twice a week. Truly it is needed.

Will we go? Yes, and not because of lazy me, but Hubbie has this strong will and mind, the kind I like to be around..far more than the mamby pampy weak 'O help me and do it all for me...' kind of mind set..this is why I love Persephone, and why I have always admired her, her strong will and mind. I seem to get as of late these people around who are far too needy, not very smart, street or otherwise. I dont mean that to sound mean or stuck up, but we have all had someone around for some reason or other who just didnt have all the lights on, who needed us for a period of time til they were ready to move on to the next level, course im a fairly daft cow at times..for instance I have this newish friend of sorts let's call her iriani, she says she is from indonesia, but she looks like she is from the phillipines, she rolls her r's like a phillipino, yet she denies it, and I have created this entire sub-text to her life, this moving dialogue that she is unaware of, this conspriacy theory that gets way too elaborate, and it only took me moments to come up with it, I will perhaps tell you this theory later.


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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08