8:29 p.m. ♦ 2004-01-07
Sure Ill call ya, and oh yea the check is in the mail, and other fairy stories

Post holiday pathetica...

Ok, so maybe that isnt a word..but it is descriptive. I never did go and apply at the plastics factory, the more I worked my mind around it, the larger it became an impediment to my doing anything other than working at a plastic factory, and the moment it becomes an impractical day, lets say we get a contract, id have to call off for days at a stretch then end up getting fired...and the inconvenience that it would cause round here would be dramatic so Im going back to work tomorrow doing contract labor, painting, prep work galore..and general clean up...its something. I called the bank today, figuring that the lawyers are just not going to respond to kindness, evenhandedness, regard for the plight of humanity, or my pleas no matter how pathetic my true state is at the moment. So im giving them a mis for a few days, I let calling them yet again today,..I now know the phone number by heart..go for the now, and just focus on the evil contractors, so in calling the bank I was able to at least I think alert the investors of the fact that I might have to place a lein against the property for non payment, that I really dont want to, but would like to do everything possible to avoid doing that, bottom line just pay me..and let me disapear into the ether. The bank guy seemed nice, asked the right questions, and told me that one of the investors would call me, or he would. We shall see..I get that alot..oh sure we will call ya..

We are going to do some pro bono work for the YMCA...there is no money in it, but its good public relations, and its good advertising..and we will be in league with other older contractors here in town..it will end up being after work work, but well worth it, they have the paint, so we provide the labor. That is another good thing.

So many lessons learned from the last oh, eight to ten months. We have alot of catch up to do in the little time we have during this month, hopefully everything will turn out alright and with alot of work thrown in.

On a heavier note, Ive been trying this whole atkins thing, who knew that carbs, and or sugar were in so many things and in such quantity. Right now its induction...so im trying for the under 20 carbs per day. We shall see again...ill keep you posted on how this goes, if I actually loose weight doing this and if I can keep it up. The hardest part is drinking lots of water when for the last few days we had been under a wind chill advisory..twas about 15 to 20 below zero..lovely..so im not terribly thirsty for water when it is that cold. Persephone has told me the advantages of monitoring my sugars and that rollercoaster like ride I have been on for sheesh 20+ years..just cant be good. Im off to bed.

Kisses to all.


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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08