7:06 p.m. ♦ 2004-01-15
Blech...im ill..........

I am slowly developing a cold..I can feel it just there behind my eyes, and in my throat...Last night I went to bed early..couldnt stay up anymore cause I wanted to go to work this am, which I did...sanding down varnished cabnets and woodwork for the next coat, hanging doors, putting hinges on them etc...its another day, I volunteered at the kids' school tomorrow for popcorn day, all the proceeds for the sales tomorrow go to my son's teacher to purchase new games and some classroom supplies...I hope we do good.

Im so tired today, my lips are throbbing..and my face hurts. Im going to toddle off to bed early again...try and ward this thing off before I become terribly ill.


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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08