8:12 p.m. ♦ 2004-02-23
All hail the uniform paperwork reduction act...

Teacher parent confrences, paperwork to fill out and send back to school..after I track all of these bits of papers down...

Faxing Contractors like crazy with the my new shinny 'Letter of Introduction'...much thanks to Persephone and her boo for reading it and editing it out..and making the whole thing sparkle... kisses

Reading blueprints,(more paper), of this wherehouse we are going to put a bid on, not getting to paint the rest of the local theatre, not getting any bids or contract labor work..its pilling up on me rapidly..Tom..my husband over and over like a gad damn myna bird in my ear..call the lawyers..call the lawyers..and the liars..as I will now refer to them, telling me the same old lame shit they did 16 fun filled weeks ago when I signed off on the amount that I would accept back from them for doing fuck-diddly...(I like that word)..(and I hope I just invented it)...over and over again..the stress level round here could be cut with a fucking crayon, then I started calling social services thus generating more paperwork, and some local churches all who either want yet again my immortal soul, or an eviction notice...even the state wants an eviction notice, they want things to get so desperate and out of control for you then they will only help you out with 150.00 per person..a one time offer, and you cant get help again for three years, people who immigrate here from other countries get more than people who have paid taxes for years get...then, Tom has to go back yet again to cali round trip(more paperwork)...for god knows what..and pay a 200.00 fine..all of which we cannot afford, so he leaves for three days, just when things start getting maybe better, we got a call this afternoon, to do more contract labour...so all of this stuff less the constant periods that i put between thoughts, is pilling up in my mind, and just about getting me to the edge of crazed-I hate crazed-and this seems to be some sort of yearly tide, old faithful type bullshit, that rolls round this time of year..I thought all that shit was over for once-or at least for a while, this was supposed to be the year we had money in the bank, and bills paid..big and small...

compound all this with some wierd painfull dental problem (of my own making)..as I dont have the money to go to the dentist..and I tend to faint at the dentist, and im not keen on fainting..but I must go to the dentist anyway, and remember everyones appointments, pick up girl scout cookies, contact people about the girl scout cookies, as it is at least one person who ordered 21.00 worth of them has fallen off the planet, take people to meetings etc..its all too much..

I figure if I get this off my shoulders here, I can rest easy tonight, and move tomorrow to making tomorrow better..and I shall-but you know how it goes and something is in your mind it works at you and affects you and everything that comes into your field-


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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08