6:26 p.m. ♦ 2004-02-29
Painter's Hell

Painting this house:

It is huge...well way bigger than ours. It started out, as it always starts out, paint the walls..ok..whats that on the walls..following the studs behind the drywall? Smoke from candles says the homeowner..when we know its fire damage...then its, dont paint the inside of the closets (that are rooms unto themselves), then its paint the closets, and of course at first its dont paint the ceilings, just in the master bedroom, then it turns into cant you paint the ceilings in the rooms you just painted...no...cant put tape on fresh paint..it will peel off in sheets..cant you just be really really careful? No...you cant..the paint will peel even with blue tape..maybe not everywhere..but I dont like having to do things three times to get it done right, when you just could of told us up front what it was you wanted us to do and to bid on...rather than waiting..thinking that would make the bid smaller..when in fact it makes it bigger..Time and Material..compound all of that nonsense with people who are beyond freak...

Beyond Freak:

Tom describes this case as..I felt something was up from the start, the guy wouldnt keep still..acted strange..wouldnt let me in the house to bid on it..then wouldnt let me in the garage to look at this extra door, tweaker of some sort..little did we know..These two are doing some seriously demented drugs..that makes them tweak on wierd shit..and sleep all day, like in a diesel pickup truck for the better part of two and a half hours..that is still running..the woman has sores on her face..the house is a well its better now we painted it..but the house is filthy..like smelly yuck..anywho..we get almost done, and they guy is outside sleeping in the truck..tom goes to wake him up..the guy shakes his head no..tom flips him of..saying 'fuck you im going home'..the guy walks back in the house..kind of disoriented, wandering lost in three feet of space...eating peanut butter out of the jar..then attempting to make a peanut butter sandwich..while making these over the top gesticulating gestures (that he has never made before in front of us)...yes bulging on and off..Tom says its freebasing..Freebasing while you have painters in the house? Good god. It reminds me of that dateline show on GBH..or something like that..where the guy is high, making wierd gestures kind of rythmic strange gestures...worst part is they have a little girl the same age as mine..the phone rang and rang for hours at a time, the little girl was over at a friends house,I feel pity for them, sick for the little girl..its no kind of life..none at all..you may say im guessing, but hubbie has seen it or just about done it all...and he can spot it miles away..course all that was back in the day...then they give me an out of state check..far far away out of state check..it better clear the bank...

Tomorrow is my sons birthday...Im going to go and pick him out something..he will be six years old...my sweet sweet bubba gump...


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What was I on about? - 2008-06-08