8:40 p.m. ♦ 2004-03-15

Ive been sitting here for a while trying to gather myself before i write anything down...so ill sum up

Im pissed off, hurt, and confused by the actions of this woman, Ive written about her in my diary before, the one who says she is Indonesian, but all signs point to her being Filipino, possibly a mail order bride..but I am convinced Pshycho is far more apt...basically she called me up on friday, freaked out on me when I wouldnt just roll over and agree with her about an issue that came up between our 8 year old daughters..some very triffling silly child like tension came up between the two girls..her little girl got her feelings hurt..Now wait..Ms. Maz has come home plenty of times..PLENTY in the last three years with her heart broken, crying, depressed.. about this issue, or that person, or that injustice..Maz and I talk, I offer some advice..I ask her how to make the situation different blah blah...but I am NOT going to try and fix and or gear her world into being something that I do not WANT control over..I hated being in that situation when I was a kid..so this woman proceeds to get highly Agitated when I dont start to applogize profusly..as I had done in months past after she hounded me ad nauseum the last time this came up..I kid you fuckin not..she either has the memory capacity of a gold fish..or she really really need reassurance about whatever...so she brought it up over and over how my kid had done her kid wrong..I ate it..talked and talked to Marilyn cause she was pounding me about it every motherfuckin time I saw her..like every three minutes..told her I was sorry about it..then Maz started to open up to me about what the other girl was doing..you know..petty fuckin kid shit..I didnt say anything for a while, Maz told me more..I figured ya know..its like tennis..someone has to be on the other side of the court to play this game..and so I finally broke and just told this woman ya know..they are both doing it..this time it came out of nowhere..I had heard nothing...she screams at me when I wont start appologizing, freaks out on my daughter basically calling her names..then hangs up..wont return any of my phone calls, picks her kid up early from school to avoid me I think..(there is a log at school when you get there)...

Work..we went and bid a house out this morning, its an exterior..so it might be a month before we can do it cause of the cold weather, I havent heard from the Architecht in Hudson, and we are supposed to do some contract labor..but these guys seem to be kinda not reliable..as they never return a phone call..The Yellowbook guy is supposed to meet with us tomorrow morning..I called the local tech school to find out about blueprint reading courses..the lady called me this morning, she was supposed to get back to me..and hasnt..I called the lawyers..told them that I filed a complaint with the bar association..they were unimpressed, I could tell, though less friendly over all after hearing that news..

Other than being really cold at the moment, and my wanting to snap at Tom..who is fucking whinning about the fact that I got him a soft pack as opposed to a hard pack of ciggies..even though that is all they had this am at the store...its a fuckin plot, there is hardly anything going on..


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♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08