10:05 p.m. ♦ 2004-04-13
Ask Minerva

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You?.
You're a hardworking individual enshrouded by an overwhelming sense of mystery, beauty, and intrigue. Though always on the go, you keep focused, helping - often rapturing - those you meet.

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Nothing much going on here at the moment, we had a crazy four day strech of work that came to us out of nowhere, we worked like dogs getting this occupied two bedroom apartment painted, the whole time the tennant sitting there watching us...ceilings and all folks..like to kill me after so much time of not doing much of anything, somehow when we are busy working everything seems to have a good flow to it, the time off...that stretches out seems to fill me with a lack of motivation in general..so I hate doing things round the house to any degree other than 'tidy mode'. Like today, and I know how much you care bout this shit, I did all kinds of things round the house, course Tom is gone in Cali, and its kind of nice being alone during the day..crank up the tunes or NPR..and clean things out. He gets back tomorrow night..same crappy time quarter to midnight..I did some online shopping for Ms. Persephone's B-day...so its on its way, but it will be late...I gotta do the taxes as well..hehehehe..ever the procrastinator...I couldnt sleep last night, so I sat up and watched the Osbournes..fucking Sharron..spending money like water, maybe ill get three bentley's...at 160,000 each..why not my english love?


♦ French Toast Assassin is mourning the end of the easter season, no more cadburys eggs....

♦ French Toast Assassin is very very tired.

♦ French Toast Assassin is worried about the fate of the world.

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08