5:38 p.m. ♦ 2004-07-17
Cat walk baby

Yea ohkay..I was really grumpy last night...and attempted to speak to the man about my agrivation...

Today was alright, I cleaned the pool out, cleaned out my car, cleaned out the work truck a bit, cleaned the kitchen...lots of cleaning...

Last week was the last week of summer school, we have one little job comming up this week, like a two day job, Tom is amazed that we are not getting more calls after putting our ad in the Yellow book, an ad that the Yellow Book fucks messed up badly..and never sent us a proof for..then only gave us a 169.00 credit..when the ad was 1100.00..fuckers...I get uneasy and I get hopefull all at the same time about our business...we need to line things up for this winter now..and we need steady work now to keep things afloat..we have excellent refrences better than anyone..ANYONE in town, but for some reason aside from the coup last year we have hardly the business that we should be having at this point.

On a totally different Note:

Persephone and I were talking about this person we know, and how she is in dire straights...being mentally abused by her monster husband..so we were online looking at shelters for women who are battered etc...you would think it would be easy..but its not...so most of the day yesterday and today I was thinking about some sort of network of women..perhaps some secret organization...

I dont know, perhaps something like that already exists...Im not sure...

I have to build a cat enclosure for my cats..the neighbours are getting wierder about them vs. the birds...and everytime our cats are found outside its cha ching...$77.00 fine per animal...thanks to the constant complaining of the fuckwit neighbours..so my best revenge is to construct some sort of chicken wire and 2X4 enclosure for them to be and perch outside...and as close to the bitch next door's house as possible....hehehehe...We have grandiouse plans of setting up tents outside and having a fire...and sleeping outside...im not sure how well this will work..but it might be nice at least for the fire..hehehehe


♦ French Toast Assassin is hungry..and wants chicken.

♦ French Toast Assassin is busy round the house.

♦ French Toast Assassin is looking for blueprints for a cat enclosure.

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08