9:20 p.m. ♦ 2004-08-24
Bitch session

Who's your Showgirls boyfriend?

Bleh...im grumpy, well tired would be more accurate...my abcess tooth is killing me, and I think all Tom can say about it is that im grumpy/moody/bitchy cause we have been working two days in a row? Wow, way to read someone ass...This is what bugs me..I run my ass off at work...run get the kids, then...I dont sit on the couch...I clean up..run errands, clean up some more, lay clothes out for the next day...im bushwacked...I ask him earlier..can you get me some ciggies before you run to hudson...to sherwin williams, to bid a job, pay the visa, pick up some pizza...and he gets rude..its like hello...who drops shit to go run all the time??? Nevermind...it sounds petty, boring..but little shittin things like that start to add up after a while, it adds up in your psyche...even if it is petty...like him telling people he gets the kids off to bed, I get them up in the AM...hello..when is that happening??? cause id like to see it...not that he dosent do stuff...it just seems like he either does nothing..does things at his own convenience, or does things that aid me in no way...like washing the laundry..using no fabric softener..brings it up stairs then dumps it...for like who..the fairies to come put away?

Not to mention his aggrivating programming choices on the telly...so yea im moody...

summer is rapping up..things are going to be up in the air soon..it makes me tense to say the least...school starts back up next week...and with that comes the insane school supply list that has to be purchased...and MSN messenger wont work...things are sunny.


♦ French Toast Assassin is sore.

♦ French Toast Assassin is going to go to bed early.

♦ French Toast Assassin is beyond reach......

^ top ^

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Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08