8:44 p.m. ♦ 2005-01-26
Indian Reservation Cheese

What is with the rollercoaster ride of a life that I have going on? I have more drama some days that I care to have or recount.
My quasi self inflicted drama has to do with a vengefull Ex wife, a tidy sum, another tidy sum, and the new resounding catch phrase of...'Im gonna fuck with you everyday of your life and even after you are dead-'
I love it...its a challenge...
After crying...
the add water = instant depression
the rage
the gnashing of teeth
the I hate you all...cause in some instances I really do
the what a fucking cunt
the now what am I gonna do
when will this shit end...thing
all the way back round to...all the shit that has passed before has made me stronger for this moment...and the bonds of love and friendship are even greater...greater than your dried up ass will ever have in this life time...
well, ive been horribly horribly poor, Ive had nothing before..and when I mean nothing I mean...beat up cars with no heat in below zero Montana...eating commodities from the Indian Reservation...no cash no hope of a job...no idea where or when money would be comming in..trying to figure all this out without loosing my basic humanity, and AND being humiliated by the local welfare offices...so if the vicious Ex wife wants to take every motherfucking thing we have...not that the second hand furniture, computer..and other personal odds and ends will add up to much, including a van with 340,000 miles on it..yes that is the actual mileage...then she and the state are welcome to it...we offered her 14,000plus that is sitting in a pension fund that boo can have when he reaches retirement age...but she declined that in leiu of ...'im gonna fuck with you for the rest of your life' thing...so I say fine...Ill just take my broke ass and my mounting winter bills into the court house, and well see just what you can take per month ad infinitum...
Im miss bitter about this...i am affected by the entire situation that has an impact on me and my children and my marriage..but something that I have no control over or capacity to change as its not my deal..so its my deal but its not my deal...interesting hu?
I am amassing my documents...holding my chin up...and I suppose learning more and more about myself...all while I have the flu that my son gave me...


♦ French Toast Assassin is very ill.

♦ French Toast Assassin is very ill.

♦ French Toast Assassin is very ill.

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08