9:46 p.m. ♦ 2005-02-24

I cant even think anymore-
Im sitting here staring at this powder blue screen for the longest time wanting to write, but not having the will exactly.
I cant think the telly has been on so loud today, the telly has been on everyday ALL day...every waking moment it is present...too loud, too distracting, in competition with the very thoughts in my head...you know its gotten that way with you...
I cant think my stomach hurts, my foot hurts, Im so tired Im loopie...New Puppy...AKA Shit Machine...has me up at all hours. Ive just gotten over some wierd cold thingie that turned into a Sinus Infection...and I quit smoking..still havent had one!!(Its been more than a month now)... But and here is where My very big but comes into play...Ive gained like 20 lbs...im not too uptight about it, but my knees hurt...oh yea...what was I going to say? Oh yea...something about how when men get sick for a measly 5 days the world must come to a virtual hault, aside from the face time one gets with the puter and the telly til 2 or 3 in the morning..then lays in while others in the house are up early with children, and the hustle and hastle that all that implies...believe me its horrible...so yea...im depressed on antidepressants...fat without ciggies...addicted to this strange Midwestern Jell-O Cake concoction...(think poor americans version of Triffle)...(I can feel it slidding down to my hips)...Laurence of Arabia is on in the back ground...fuck Laurence was an ego maniac...anyway...Ive been doing all the work...and im bitter, and im bitter over Valentines day...Boo is useless, I told him..hey now we have money you could get me some chocolates and some flowers...we were broke on Valentines..now we have work comming up next week...and do you think he would actually get his long suffering wife who has had more than her ration of shit because of him??? Im just grumpy and tired and chubbier..


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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08