11:20 p.m. ♦ 2005-09-09
Milk Country

It's late here in Milk Country - The poor old south...left behind again by rich white men...WTF??
I should be in bed, I've gotta get up with the kids for an early morning game of soccer - France vs. Ireland...this is how they name the teams here...Ms. Maz is France...Hubbie is meeting a client, going to bid out a job early in the A.M. - I have the sordid weekend chores to finish...Laundry, with the added bonus feature of all the dirty laundry that I found in the kids' room stowed away for posterity, that seems to have mated with the day to day laundry - and virtualy trippled since the other day...and the neighbours left 9 days ago after a cooler debachle..well the woman left much earlier than that...either way they left that side of the duplex in a shambles, (ok, more like shit hole dump...seasoned with rotting flesh..and the shit in the sink...puhleeze..what the fuck was that??),...we have a dumpster on the lawn to take care of the shit they left behind...it took me 2 hours this evening to clear out the junk in the front room and the kitchen..and trust me that side mirrors this side of the duplex..its not a big house..but that is how much shit was in those two rooms- I used a lawn rake to pick up the floor..quite handy....I have yet to clear out the upstairs bedrooms bath, and the basement is full of shit...that is for tomorrow in the afternoon or the evening.
So here is the too-much-to-say-gonna-sum-it-all-up-for-ya-way-it-all-happened...
February- Seemingly decent couple move in with three children.
Two weeks later, he's smacked her across the face so hard he left a hand print and a bloody nose...takes the only car they have and the tax return money, most of the money they have, and starts living in Minneapolis somewhere, and begins to get ready to visit africa for a 'wedding' that he simply cannot miss...all the while she is sitting here with three kids, no money and no ride.
March-beware the ides of-no rent or utilities paid...misery, mistreses found, phone calls many many phone calls to other women on his cell phone bill...compounded with more misery.
April-dont those showers bring dark and gloomy skies?? No rent or utilities paid - 'The lord would want her to work her marriage out'...among other things she confides that he has beaten her black and blue, cheated on her before, wont give her money for bills...and had some sort of convoluted issues with immigration..oh, and she met him on an 'Online Christian Dating Service'...just as immigration was about to move on his ass..they get married.
May - No rent or utilites paid...he went to Africa...she goes on public assistiance somewhere in here...she takes me to the burger king in hudson to meet the polish eaupair that he has knocked up...interesting...she tells me and the hubbie everything about the piece o' shit husband she has, and the other two piece o' shit husbands she had...
June-yea same shit...some money put on utility bill to prevent shut off...
July-more shut off notices left on door...pretty sure she is just gonna bail and move to Oklahoma with her sister...
August-the gas gets turned off next door...and more shut off notices for the electric...and then she bails, loads up her car and takes off...he comes and picks up his shit..and her parents come and get the rest of her stuff...he comes and backs his trailer into my cooler that I use for bringing drinks to football games and practices..I had it sitting on the porch on my side its bright blue...I hear a noise and go outside to see..he see's me and gets out of his car, and then takes off round the side of the house..im pretty pissed..guys a shitwad anyway...so what do I care to be diplomatic?? he comes out the front door...and I say..you broke my cooler Jackass..and slam the door...
so to sum up..im left cleaning up the shit hole mess left behind by disfunctional people...who lived in utter squalor...fun.
Seems like there is quite abit that I would like to drone on about tonight, the hurricane, the repukes, my job, the way I feel, k-k having a baby at the end of the month and having to drive to chicago...fighting with hubbie, loving hubbie...chocolate, my weight, my plan, the overall feeling of all of that...being busy, being worried about how the year would go, the radio silence between my sister and myself, shit I have to do, shit I dont want to do...the dentist..again..that sort of thing...but if I dont log off of here and at least get some sleep..im going to be a bitch-princess tomorrow...and we all know how that goes...


♦ French Toast Assassin is a full on bitch princess.

♦ French Toast Assassin is sore from scraping a quonset hut...the barn awaits.

♦ French Toast Assassin is trying to find an Ipswitch Town Jersey...go Tractor Boys!!.

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08