9:57 p.m. ♦ 2006-01-08
Ditch it - like Cardinal Woolsey

~I was thinking about something today~
I had this mini list going on in my mind as I pulled out into the semi snowy night...kind of a top ten list of the do's and the dont's but who am i to preach to the choir?
I went over to the shitty retail job to pick up some movies...I attempted to watch the 'Constant Gardener'...watch out! Puke scene in the beginning of the movie-at the makeshifty morgue by our dear friend Ralph Fiennes...I ditched that movie..too much drama..he was in this other movie that i enjoyed this weekend called 'The ChumScrubber'
Where the need for water while taking prescription medication is no longer needed. Go figure!
On an entirely different note I want to add to what I want to do this year or in the near future...
I want to open up a store - or as a last ditch option i want to open up a Chuck -e- Cheese here in town...I need investors though...or a windfall with the lottery commission...or good vibes from the universe-


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

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last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08