11:22 a.m. ♦ 2008-04-02
Its been a while.....

I guess it has been a great while since I put anything down in here, Im thinking of going back to the gold membership so that he whole thing seems more like an experience rather than just the hollowed out shell that it has become...
Lots and lots and lots has happened since the last entry and I will be updating this more and more over the next few days and months.
Its been wierd wild cold fucking winter here.......


♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

♦ French Toast Assassin is .

^ top ^

last five entries:
Been a while - 2012-01-16
Pudding Walk - 2008-07-07
Short and sweet - 2008-06-29
Blah DAy - 2008-06-12
What was I on about? - 2008-06-08